Michael’s Insights

Powerful Executive Team Building Practices, Part 2: Vision, Mission & Leadership Skills in Business

Powerful Executive Team Building Practices, Part 2: Vision, Mission & Leadership Skills in Business

When people join your organization, they do so with certain expectations for leadership. They look to the people running the business for guidance. They put their faith in the idea that management has competent leadership skills in business and knows what they are doing and where they are headed. Often, though, leaders end up so mired in the events of the day that they lose sight of their direction.

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Disc Personality Profiles & Leadership Styles. Illuminating a High-D Style

Disc Personality Profiles & Leadership Styles. Illuminating a High-D Style

As critical as it is for leaders to recognize and understand their personalities—strengths, weaknesses, behavioral traits, and communication styles—it is equally essential that they understand how they are perceived by others. How do I, S, C, and other D DiSC personality profiles respond to High-D folks? Determining this can help leaders foster stronger relationships, improve communication, and achieve better results individually and as teams.

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20 Doubts Every Leader Needs to Overcome to Achieve Top Business Performance?

20 Doubts Every Leader Needs to Overcome to Achieve Top Business Performance?

Every ambitious person faces challenges in their projects, careers, and lives. To overcome these obstacles, they must first identify them. Many people have mindsets, insecurities, dispositions, and habits that hold them back; often, they are unaware of them. Recognizing the factors that prevent forward movement is a critical first step. Through the coaching process, individuals can start to remove the blocks and clear the path for improved performance and enhanced success.

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DiSC Personality Traits of The Rich & Famous

DiSC Personality Traits of The Rich & Famous

What drives the rich and famous? To get an in depth understanding of any celebrity we would need to read their biography or an in depth interview. However, disc personality traits can tell us a lot.

“If it wasn’t for the coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever.” —David Letterman

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Why The Power Of Observation is Critical For Effective People Management

Why The Power Of Observation is Critical For Effective People Management

As Yogi Berra once said, “You can observe a lot just by watching.” As with many of his verbal flubs, this one has more than a little truth and wisdom behind it. By simply watching, managers can become more effective in their roles. People management training is often overlooked in organizations. Perhaps that is the reason it is uncommon to “find a good manager”. Observation sharpens their ability to tackle an array of responsibilities—from evaluating performance to gauging the credibility of a team member.

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