Executive Assessments
CEO and Business Coaching
Powerful Executive Team Building Practices, Part 2: Vision, Mission & Leadership Skills in Business
When people join your organization, they do so with certain expectations for leadership. They look to the people running the business for guidance. They put their faith in the idea that management has competent leadership skills in business and knows what they are doing and where they are headed. Often, though, leaders end up so mired in the events of the day that they lose sight of their direction.
It is essential that companies have a strong vision, mission and strategic plan. It is also essential that leaders can articulate expectations around those goals and objectives across all levels of the business. When these communications are clear, teams grow stronger and are more productive and powerful. Without these elements in place, without focus and direction and without unity of alignment, businesses suffer missteps that can derail their chances for success.
How do you ensure that your company’s leadership is moving in the same direction?
How do you create alignment and convey your vision and mission to your people? The greater your leadership skills in business, the greater the odds of your business success.
This keynote is designed to help business leaders answer the question, “Where are we going and how do we get there with everyone on board?”
This keynote is ideal for:
- Corporations.
- Business owners.
- Senior managers.
- Companies with professional management teams in place.
Format options:
- 60-90 minute keynote.
- Half-day session.
- Four-part series.
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