Executive Assessments
CEO and Business Coaching
About Michael
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” ~ Peter Drucker
Michael Whatmore is the founder and owner of Executive Coaching San Francisco. A Business Services Consultancy based in San Francisco, California. You could say that Michael has lived the American Dream, Canadian-style.
He is highly successful at business, having held numerous chief officer positions across many industries. A hard worker with the Midas Touch, Michael bought his first house at age 17; at 21, he owned a real estate company. A few decades later, Michael climbed to the top levels of numerous corporations, building cohesive, inspired, and successful divisions in sectors as diverse as real estate, transportation, manufacturing, distribution, and business consulting.
After hundreds of seminars and thousands of hours coaching employees and colleagues, Michael launched his executive coaching business in 2000, fueled by a passion to help corporate leaders discover (and rediscover) their commitment and excitement for their business. Being a chief executive is demanding, and Michael believes that top executives and emerging entrepreneurs have the potential to re-energize, keep learning, and become confident, inspired, and creative business leaders. When necessary, I bring other experts, business specialists to contribute as needs dictate.
When he’s not busy speaking and coaching, or engaged in community initiatives in his hometown of Redwood City, California, Michael can be found on or near San Francisco Bay, or relaxing with his family.
Email Michael Whatmore at [email protected] or call 650 444 5881.
More effective work relationships can change your life
Michael combines his business leadership accreditation’s with personal experiences to deliver leadership development based on authentic situations for real-world leaders. Skilled managers understand that investments in personal development can markedly improve their business lives, personnel relations and planned outcomes. Executive assessments are such an investment. Used wisely, personal growth results emerge, which correlate with overall performance, improved bottom line and reduced employee turnover. Everything DiSC personality assessments are the instruments he recommends for executive use. Michael believes that personal development is not an event but a process. This process facilitates understanding and promotes durable underpinnings in organizational culture. This technique ensures fresh ideas and supportive behaviors are fully integrated into your organization. Michael Whatmore builds trust and rapport with his clients and has a genuine belief in the innate brilliance of human beings. When coaching individuals on their DiSC styles, his observations, techniques and advice encourage more effective and truly engaged teams.
Research and compliance
Many studies have been completed on the efficacy of DiSC. When measuring behaviors, motivators, acumen or proficiency, a recent review concluded that no evidence exists to suggest a bias in any DiSC assessments that could cause an adverse influence regarding gender, race or disability status. Subgroups were determined to be U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity compliant and well within psychometric guidelines for the population median.
See what business leaders are saying about Michael.
To appreciate the true value of DiSC analysis and how it will enhance your professional management and performance, contact Michael today; [email protected] or call 650 444 5881.

- Registered Corporate Coach (RCC)
- Registered Corporate Coach Instructor (RCCI)

- Fellow, Trust Companies Institute (FTCI) of Canada

- Certified DiSC Administrator
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