Executive Assessments
CEO and Business Coaching

CEO and Executive Training
I am a reliable CEO business coach, dynamic public speaker, professional trainer, and peer group leader, my passion is helping clients rediscover their motivation for being in business. I want the business professionals with whom I work to be inspired, and striving for improved performance. ECSF was established in January 2000 as a resource for CEO’s and innovative leaders who strive to beat the competition. My executive business coaching specialty is encouraging continuous growth, facilitating productivity and resolving a business persons most important life challenges. C-level executives, hone their leadership skills, learn to make savvy decisions, and ultimately achieve higher levels of success for a superb career outcome. Business coaching can be extremely beneficial because it addresses several crucial skills, including:
To reiterate, a long-held belief is business lives in language. Conversations are currency. Accordingly, the quality of your conversations does determine the outcome of your best laid plans. Ultimately your success. Business is a journey. The complexity of communications can easily run afoul of our objectives, in an instant, we can find ourselves defending a position based on semantics. Even seasoned executives get blocked. Such bottlenecks are frustrating and time wasters.
Executive leadership and team growth
Effective leaders enjoy strong leadership skills. They are insightful about their strengths and areas of improvement. Maximizing performance is crucial to leveraging strengths, and who doesn’t want to improve performance? I teach CEO’s how to improve communications and strategize with their teams to accelerate growth. Doing and observing results is a “best practice.” I have found DiSC executive assessments minimize petty personality conflicts that disrupt productivity. You will discover as I did, that leveraging your time through better communications affords more “think time”. A critical element that’s in short supply in too many businesses.
Management’s time
My friend William Oncken Jr. said “no manager” is an island.” So, your performance is a combination of the competencies (skills, traits and proficiency) you bring to the job and the organizational support provided by your boss, peers and staff. The demand for support almost always exceeds the available supply and ongoing competition for those limited resources exists within every organization. I teach the Oncken theory that “support” must be earned and how to leverage emotional intelligence. As a C-level leader, you’ll find it easy and effortless to increase your influence. Discover how building on people and productivity by using your professional judgment and creative thinking will help you get more done in less time. Significant to your success are the differences between your use of vocational and management time. CEO and executive training can be a trans-formative process.
Teaching executives―how to have coaching conversations
This might strike a chord; as humans, we have the potential to learn useful information through listening to the perspective of others. It could be information we put into use immediately, simply by listening and being present in the moment. Too often though listening suffers because the other person is simply waiting to speak, talking past others, upstaging or over-speaking. What if you could change this in your organization? It’s possible, by implementing a scientific based approach to how you conduct your conversations! Recent research verifies that we can restyle our conversations to make them infinitely more productive. If it were possible to reshape your conversations into highly productive outcomes, wouldn’t you be freed-up to get more done in less time?
I find it is easy and effortless to help C-level leaders employ their emotional intelligence and creative thinking. Increasing the number of “thought leaders” in a business is valued and companies that use my methods uncover hidden talent in their ranks. I teach executives to inspire their support teams to activate new neural brain techniques proven to generate fresh solutions for their biggest challenges. Senior leaders who work with me achieve sharper personal growth, avoid emerging threats, willingly tackle their toughest challenges and recognize new opportunities―it’s the right thing and it works!
Speaking in Public
Some say public presentations are feared more than death. Not always! Over 10 years, I successfully trained hundreds of business persons on “How to Speak About Your Business”. In above 130 trainings, I worked with people who discovered their true strengths, overcome their deepest fears and acquired the knowledge and ability to optimize public speaking and deliver superb presentations. If speaking in public is gnawing at your psyche, call me.
Co-founder Coaching
Your objective for partnering in business was to draw on others’ special knowledge and skills. A challenge though is how to keep your original intentions alive and well! Differing personality styles and values can strain a partnership and affect your ability to work well together. Instead of utilizing our conversational skills to create healthy connections and trust, we can fall into set patterns like talking past each other, banging heads, getting addicted to being right. Executive assessments are a great tool. I’ve found DiSC Personality profiles to be one of the best tools ever to overcome relationship glitches. In 40 years of management, DiSC Assessments helped me strategize, address and reverse barriers, and affirm the strengths of my relationships. Incorporating DiSC in your business life will reduce partnership stress.
Anticipated Next Steps and Duration
An Outcomes Contract is completed (between CEO and Coach). This contract sets out the purpose, scope, meeting times, goals and milestones for our engagement. Anticipated duration is four months, and we agree to meet four times monthly. Additionally, I am available between meetings by email and telephone.
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Contact Michael Whatmore today. Become the confident, smart business leader you were meant to be:
Email: [email protected] or call (650) 444-5881